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Infant Language Link

Evaluating the efficacy of a tiered language support programme for Y1 pupils through a clustered randomised controlled trial.

RCT and quasi-experimental
Mathematics education
Early years

Frames For learning

Frames for Learning (F4L) is a CPD programme for teachers and their teaching assistants (TAs) which aims to improve science attainment by scaffolding how teachers and pupils approach working scientifically and other multi staged tasks in science.

Action research
Curriculum, pedagogy and learning
Curriculum development
Evidenced-informed practice
Resource development
Science education
Teaching expertise

Evaluation of Post-16 CPD by Mathematics in Education and Industry (MEI)

This evaluation of MEI’s post-16 maths CPD programme focuses on the Teaching Functional Skills Maths programme and provides case studies.

Evaluation of the Greater Than Network

Evaluation of a Post-16 English and maths CPD programme run by Milton Keynes College Group

Co-researching grammar

Sheffield Institute of Education working collaboratively to develop a descriptive pedagogy of grammar

Curriculum, pedagogy and learning

Children's communities evaluation

Research project with an ambitious approach to improve the lives of all children and young people in communities facing some of the most challenging circumstances across England

Diversity and social justice
Theoretical and methodological innovation

Evaluation of RETAIN: Early Career CPD for KS1 Teachers

Evaluation of pilot CPD programme for early career teachers (ECTs) with the aim of improving outcomes for disadvantaged pupils

Theoretical and methodological innovation
Policy and professional learning

Evaluation of DfE Teaching and Leadership Innovation Fund

Longitudinal evaluation of a major DfE fund to improve outcomes and social mobility for children and young people in England through CPD for teachers and leaders in areas and schools facing challenges

Theoretical and methodological innovation
Policy and professional learning

Improving talk for teaching and learning

Evaluation of a Dialogic Teaching intervention in primary schools

Curriculum, pedagogy and learning

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