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Experiences of the Apprenticeship Minimum Wage

Experiences and Perceived Impacts of the Apprenticeship Minimum Wage: A Qualitative Scoping Study

Education policy
Post 16 and further education
Social mobility

Understanding and overcoming the challenges of targeting students from under-represented and disadvantaged ethnic backgrounds

Research shows that there are persistent and significant disparities in the participation rates, retention and outcomes of students from different minority ethnic backgrounds in higher education.

Equality, Diversity & Social justice
Race and Ethnicity
Higher education
Social mobility
Student support
Widening participation and Access to HE

Evaluation of DfE Teaching and Leadership Innovation Fund

Longitudinal evaluation of a major DfE fund to improve outcomes and social mobility for children and young people in England through CPD for teachers and leaders in areas and schools facing challenges

Professional development and learning
Teacher recruitment and retention
Teaching expertise
Social mobility

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