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National Teaching Fellowship Scheme (NTFS) Evaluation

Evaluation team led by SIoE's Professor Colin McCaig finds that the NTFS is highly valued by the HE sector

Higher education
Teaching expertise
Office for Students

Understanding the impact of financial support on student success: an institutional approach

For this initiative, data management staff at six universities worked to identify data fields that enabled them to better identify recipients of bursaries and scholarships so that institutions can better track their effectiveness.

Higher education
Equality, Diversity & Social justice
Widening participation and Access to HE
Student support
Office for Students

OFFA Access Agreements - Content and discourse analysis

Leading research on the widening participation agenda in the higher education sector in England using critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and Political Discourse Analysis (PDA)

Higher education
Equality, Diversity & Social justice
Widening participation and Access to HE
Education policy
Office for Students

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