21st Century Literacies Maker Circles
Developing support for 21st Century Literacies in primary schools
How does game-based learning promote children's mathematical cognition?
Developing mobile video games to promote young children’s arithmetic fluency.
Virtual reality prosthetics
The Empathy Machine
ScratchMaths evaluation
Evaluation of an innovative mathematics and computing primary curriculum and professional development project
Children's uses of new technologies in classrooms
Investigating how on/off-screen spaces are used in primary classrooms
iPads in the Early Years
Exploring how tablets are integrated into children's play and interactions
Virtually drama
What happens when iPads are introduced to a school-based participatory theatre programme?
Virtual worlds in primary classrooms
How do children make meaning across on/offline environments when in a virtual world in a primary classroom?
Children's and Young People's Digital Literacies in Virtual Online Spaces
ESRC-funded seminar series and conference on young people's literacies in virtual spaces
Mobile Literacies - the case of the iPad
New book exploring mobile literacies and presenting cutting-edge research into the relationships between tablets and meaning-making.