Engineering Expert Witness Services
The range of skills and expertise available makes MERI an excellent place to start a search for expert witness services. We have delivered for clients requiring services in forensic science and engineering across a range of technical subjects.
Materials Analysis
We deliver materials analysis services to all industries which have materials based needs. All services are provided by experts from within Sheffield Hallam University, using a range of state-of-the-art instruments and techniques
Forensic Investigation of Lightbulbs
This short course will explore opportunities and limitations of forensic failure investigation of automotive light bulbs
Raman spectroscopy and ESEM images of Class G oilwell cement
Raman microscopy allows us to understand the early stages of oilwell cement hydration, which is crucial to its application
Oilfield chemistry - controlling sand production
The objective of this project is to bind sand grains together whilst maintaining formation porosity and fluid flow
The use of confocal raman microspectroscopy in depth profiling polymer films
In collaboration with the Instituto de Cienncia y Tecnologia de Polimeros (Madrid) we have examined the extent of the surface modification of a polymeric membrane. The polymer (PVC) was modified according to the following reaction scheme
Raman spectroscopy of cement - Pure synthetic C-S-H
A series of synthetic C-S-H phases has been prepared, with the aim of studying structural changes with changes in C/S
Raman spectroscopy of White Portland cement
The grey colour of ordinary Portland cement is due to the presence of ferrite, the presence of which is unwelcome in White Portland cement (WPC)
Raman spectroscopy of pure clinker phases
Cement powders contain four major hydraulic constituents, ie clinker phases, which hydrate at different rates and thus influence important factors such as setting time, workability and mechanical strength
Raman spectroscopy of cement - Hydration of pure clinkers
Hydration of the two calcium silicate clinker phases, C3S and C2S proceeds, after an initial induction period, to form a poorly-defined calcium silicate hydrate