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Sheffield Hallam product design students win prestigious industry awards

Students from Sheffield Hallam University’s Product Design courses have been recognised with awards from big names in the industry including Habitat and Joseph Joseph.

Student stories

Hallam students’ success at Royal Television Society Awards

Sheffield Hallam students have picked up five out of a possible ten awards at the Royal Television Society’s Yorkshire Student Awards

Student stories
Culture and media

Hallam students aim to raise another £20,000 for Sheffield charities

Sheffield Hallam students have raised over £450,000 for Sheffield charities over the last 12 years and aim to do it all again in 2024, though a series of charity fundraising events across the city.

Student stories

Turing Scheme provides global opportunities for Hallam students

Sheffield Hallam students will be able to take part in a range of international study or work opportunities after the university secured more than £660,000 through the government’s Turing Scheme.

Student stories

Sheffield Hallam recognises student elite athletes

Earlier this week, colleagues, partners and support staff from Sheffield Hallam celebrated this year's cohort of performance sport athletes as part of the University's Performance Athletes Support Programme.

Student stories

Students showcase entrepreneurial spirit at Hallam Enterprise Awards

A local online shopping delivery app that generated £100,000 of orders for regional retailers and a social enterprise that helps children improve their literacy and numeracy skills are among a diverse range of businesses recognised as part of the Hallam Enterprise Awards.

Business and management
University news
Student stories

Documentary by Hallam graduates shows how Sheffield BAMER community came together during pandemic

Giving a voice to Sheffield’s Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee communities is the aim of a documentary project supported by recent graduates.

Culture and media
Student stories

Future Now returns to showcase Sheffield’s emerging creative talent

Future Now Festival of Creativity is returning to venues across Sheffield, showcasing creative work from Sheffield Hallam University’s graduating students

Art and design
Student stories

Sheffield Hallam students and staff raise over £8,000 for Ukraine appeal

Staff and students from Sheffield Hallam University are cycling the distance between South Yorkshire and the Ukrainian border to raise money for the DEC Ukraine appeal.

Student stories

Hallam student awarded prestigious physics scholarship

Olivia Tindle from Sheffield Hallam University is one of nine talented students to receive a Bell Burnell Graduate Scholarship from the Institute of Physics (IOP).

Student stories

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