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Found 3 items using the filter:

150th Open generated over £300m in economic benefit for Scotland, new research finds

The 150th Open at St Andrews generated over £300 million in economic benefit for Scotland according to a new Sheffield Hallam study, commissioned by The R&A, VisitScotland and Fife Council.

Sport economics
Sport and physical activity
Sporting events

Project launched to assess financial impact of Covid-19 on professional football clubs

Academics are to analyse the financial impact of Covid-19 on professional football clubs in England and the wider impact on their communities.

Sport and physical activity
Sport economics
Business and management

Parliament Select Committees set to hear from Hallam academics

MPs are set to hear from three Sheffield Hallam University academics tomorrow (1 Dec) as they give evidence to Select Committees on the impact Covid-19 has had on health technology and grass roots sport.

Active lifestyles
Business and management
Sport and physical activity
Sport economics
Sport management
University news

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