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Strength in Midlife

The project will create an accessible, co-designed app that helps to democratise the health benefits of strength training and meet the specific exercise needs of women in midlife.

Healthy and active

Moving Healthcare Professionals Programme - Evaluation

The Moving Healthcare Professionals Programme (MHPP) is a national programme led by the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) – formerly Public Health England (PHE) – in partnership with Sport England.

Healthy and active
Living well with a health condition

Social Prescribing and Physical Activity

The effects of long Covid are still unfolding. To find out more about it, we conducted a qualitative study based on semi-structured interviews on 18 people living with the illness.

Healthy and active

Golf as a therapeutic tool for older adults and their supporters

Sheffield Hallam University has teamed up with Golf in Society (GiS) and Sport for Confidence to explore how the social connectivity of golf can improve the health and wellbeing of those who are frail and living with Parkinson’s and dementia.

Living well with a health condition
Healthy and active
Research and development

Doncaster Health Determinants Research Collaboration (HDRC)

In 2020, Doncaster Council delivered a Local Authority Research System project. It found that staff lacked time, funding, confidence and capacity to either carry out research or use its findings, nevertheless, staff understood the value of research activity.

Healthy and active
Transforming places

Easier To Be Active

One in three of us in England live with a health condition and we are twice as likely to be amongst the least physically active, yet we know that being active can help to manage our conditions and increase our quality and length of life.

Healthy and active

Re:Mission - An Evaluation of the NHS Low Calorie Diet Programme

Re:Mission - An Evaluation of the NHS Low Calorie Diet Programme

Healthy and active

Cancel event

Are you sure you want to cancel your place on Saturday 12 November?
