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Staff profiles

Mike Coldwell

Mike leads the SIOE Centre for Development and Research in Education

Social Sciences and Arts
Staff profiles

Dr Ruth Beresford

Staff profile for Dr Ruth Beresford, Research Associate for the Department of Psychology, Sociology & Politics at Sheffield Hallam University

Social Sciences and Arts
Staff profiles

Marilena Kyriakidou

Staff profile for Dr Marilena Kyriakidou

Social Sciences and Arts
Staff profiles

Professor Douglas Hamilton

Staff Profile of Dr Douglas Hamilton, Head of History at Sheffield Hallam University

Social Sciences and Arts
Staff profiles

Dr Kate Whitfield

My main teaching interests are in the areas of Forensic Psychology, Social Psychology, and Developmental Psychology

Social Sciences and Arts
Staff profiles

Maud Haya-Baviera

Maud Haya-Baviera, teaches Photography at the Department of Media Arts and Communication, STA. Maud is a visual artist working with a variety of media and methods including video, photography, sculpture and installation employing the strategies of appropriation, performance and participation.

Social Sciences and Arts

Kelly Marshall-Hill

BA (Hons) Media Studies, Kelly is co-founder of an award winning PR agency

Social Sciences and Arts

Freddie Ward

BSc Real Estate, Class of 2015. Freddie is a lead agent at Savills estate agents.

Social Sciences and Arts
Staff profiles

Jennifer Waterhouse

Staff profile for Jennifer Waterhouse, Senior Lecturer in Law at Sheffield Hallam University

Social Sciences and Arts

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