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Case studies

How our construction students fill an industry skills gap

BAM Construction work with Sheffield Hallam to provide the real-world experiences our students need to excel in their field.

Graduate recruitment
Work placements internships
Built environment
Workforce development
Case studies

Helping Kitlocker kick-off their business

Our work placement students have helped Kitlocker become a market leader.

Graduate recruitment
Work placements internships
Computing and communications
Case studies

Making recruitment easy for Pricecheck

SMEs like Pricecheck offer students a great opportunity to gain hands-on experience of the workplace

Graduate recruitment
Work placements internships
Case studies

Taking on asthma and transforming patient treatment

Many asthma attacks are brought on by panic at not having any reliever, leading to emergency hospital admissions. One of our students developed an idea for a new type of inhaler. We are currently negotiating a deal to make the product a commercial reality.

Healthcare technologies
Graduate recruitment
Case studies

“They’re part of the team, helping us grow the business.”

How placement students can take your business to the next level.

Graduate recruitment
Work placements internships
Case studies

How our interns have helped Oil and Gas Corrosion Ltd tackle challenging projects

Interns are something we have been familiar with at Oil & Gas Corrosion Ltd for several years, myself starting as a summer intern before securing a permanent position following my graduation.

Graduate recruitment
Work placements internships
Materials and engineering

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