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Discover what your business can do with Artificial Intelligence

Discover how you can strengthen your business with Artificial Intelligence.


Packaging Professional Degree Apprenticeship Webinar

This session is a great opportunity to learn more about this exciting standard including contributions from a provider, apprentice and employer.

Chartered Town Planner Higher and Degree Apprenticeship Webinar

Join us to find out how our Chartered Town Planner Higher and Degree Apprenticeship can benefit your business.

Digital Transformation: Exploring a Changing Landscape

Join us on 19 March to find out from our digital experts how you can transform your business with digital technology.

Construction and Architecture Higher and Degree Apprenticeship Webinars

Join our webinar to discover more about our higher and degree apprenticeships in construction and architecture.


Beginning Databases - Advancing Digital

The session will involve mixture practical work and analysis of data to establish reliable and efficient database driven solutions.

Higher Skills, Higher Growth in Conversation: The role of Charities in the region

Join us on 1 December for our Higher Skills Higher Growth in Conversation event which focuses on the role of charities in the region, the opportunities and barriers they currently face, and how supporting charities through schemes can add value to a business.


Higher Skills, Higher Growth in Conversation: The role of Charities in the region

Join us on 1 December for our Higher Skills Higher Growth in Conversation event which focuses on the role of charities in the region, the opportunities and barriers they currently face, and how supporting charities through schemes can add value to a business.

Autumn Careers Fair

Join us to promote your range of graduate roles, industry placements, part-time roles, and internship opportunities.

Forging Future Collaborations – Sheffield Business School in London

Join us to connect with academics from our Sheffield Business School and discover the range of ways you can collaborate with us to strengthen your organisation.


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