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Best Interests Assessor

Study our Best Interests Assessor module at Sheffield Hallam University and learn the skills needed to become a Best Interests Assessor and gain a working knowledge of the Mental Capacity Act and the human rights legislation.

Health and Wellbeing

Obstetric Ultrasound Practice

Obstetric Ultrasound Practice

Health and Wellbeing

Collaborative Working in Symptom Management

Collaborative Working in Symptom Management

Health and Wellbeing

Advanced Communication in Supportive Care

Advanced Communication in Supportive Care

Health and Wellbeing

Excellence in Prostate Cancer Treatment and Care

Excellence in Prostate Cancer Treatment and Care

Health and Wellbeing

Learners in Difficulty

Learners in Difficulty

Health and Wellbeing

Applied Law and Policy For People with Learning Disabilities Including Autistic People with a Learning Disability

Study our Applied Law and Policy For People with Learning Disabilities Including Autistic People with a Learning Disability module at Sheffield Hallam University and develop an in-depth knowledge to critically appraise positive risk taking, legislation, safeguarding and advocate for reasonable adjustments to meet the needs and wishes of people with learning disabilities, ensuring equality and inclusion.

Health and Wellbeing

Therapeutic Exercise and Physical Activity

Therapeutic Exercise and Physical Activity

Health and Wellbeing

Minor Illness Management

Minor Illness Management

Health and Wellbeing

Minor Injury Management

Minor Injury Management

Health and Wellbeing

Cancel event

Are you sure you want to cancel your place on Saturday 12 November?
