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Found 9975 items

Social Prescribing and the Value of Small Providers - Evidence from the Evaluation of the Rotherham Social Prescribing Service

Client: Voluntary Action Rotherham, NHS Rotherham CCG | Authors: Chris Dayson and Elaine Batty

Voluntary and community sector

Charity field classification: Main project report

Client: Esmee Fairburn | Authors: Chris Damm and David Kane

Voluntary and community sector

Building on Local Learning about Big Local in 2020

Authors: Angus McCabe, Mandy Wilson, and Rob Macmillan

Inclusive economy

Lessons in community led housing:(3) for CLH organisations

Client: Power to Change | Authors: David Mullins

Housing and place

Review of neighbourhood regeneration

Client: Local Trust | Authors: Richard Crisp, David Leather, Joe McMullan, Sarah Pearson, Ian Wilson

Policy research and evaluation
Housing and place
Inclusive economy

An Evaluation of the Rotherham Social Prescribing Service during the COVID-19 pandemic

Client: Voluntary Action Rotherham, NHS Rotherham CCG | Authors: Chris Dayson and Elaine Batty

Voluntary and community sector

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