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Found 490 items for the search term teach

Staff profiles

Dr Christine Gilligan

I am in the Strategy and Change Management subject group and I focus my research and teaching on the area of responsible and sustainable business. I am a member of the PRME group which is a group tasked with embedding the principles of responsible business in our teaching and learning. I have also been involved with teaching and researching in the voluntary sector.

Staff profiles

Natalie Wilmot

Lecturer in the International Business and Business Economics subject group at Sheffield Business School

Staff profiles

Rohan Tittagala

My teaching and research expertise extends across interdisciplinary areas in mechanical engineering, materials and manufacturing.

Staff profiles

Iain Garner

Dean of College, Social Science and Arts

Staff profiles

Roger Bateman

I am Head of Department for Art and Design

Staff profiles

Sophie Taylor

I graduated with a First Class BSc (Hons) degree in Psychology from Sheffield Hallam University in 2008 and then gained a funded PhD at Sheffield Hallam University. I started work as a lecturer in Psychology in October 2011

Staff profiles

Dr Martin Roberts

Martin teaches across a range of related areas in the field of finance and accounting, and he specialises in management accounting. The experience obtained from both industry and teaching has allowed me to chair and be a member of several examination panels for the chartered and certified professional accounting bodies (CIMA, ACCA).

Staff profiles

Heather Drury-Smith

I am a Senior Lecturer in the Radiotherapy and Oncology department

Staff profiles

Mandy Brailsford

I am Principal Lecturer & Professional Lead for Advancing Practice in the Department, and I am passionate about both student and staff experience in developing Advancing Practice.

Staff profiles

Maud Haya-Baviera

Maud Haya-Baviera, teaches Photography at the Department of Media Arts and Communication, STA. Maud is a visual artist working with a variety of media and methods including video, photography, sculpture and installation employing the strategies of appropriation, performance and participation.

Social Sciences and Arts

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