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Search results

Found 408 items for the search term business school

Staff profiles

Natalie Haynes

Natalie teaches across the hospitality curriculum focusing on revenue management, sales, marketing, front of house operations and service excellence. Natalie has extensive sales, marketing, revenue and front of house experience in the hotel industry having held positions with three major brands and independent hotels in London and the UK. Her research interests cover the areas of revenue management, hotel pricing and the use of economic/game theory in hospitality pricing decisions.

Kayhan Tajeddini

Staff profile for Kayhan Tajeddini.

Case studies

Gripple — Keeping innovation at the heart of business

With five Queen’s Awards for Enterprise, constant innovation is part of the culture at Sheffield-based engineering firm Gripple

Materials and engineering
Knowledge transfer partnerships
Case studies

Saving Quorn Foods over £1m — and creating a new industry standard for sustainability

How we helped Quorn Foods improve their sustainability and save over £1m

Knowledge transfer partnerships
Staff profiles

Drew Woodhouse

Course Leader: BA (Hons) Accounting & Economics, Senior Lecturer in Economics

Staff profiles

Dr Claire Holland

Dr Claire Holland is a Senior Lecturer in the Hospitality Subject Group. She currently holds the post of Placement and Employability Tutor for Undergraduate Hospitality students, assisting and supporting the students with their placement search and liaising with employers to support them with their business needs.

Charles Hajdu

Charles Hajdu

Staff profiles

Brian Pine

Senior Lecturer In Accounting And Tax

Staff profiles

Dr Nicola Palmer

Nicola is Head of Doctoral Training, Deputy Chair of the Research Degrees Sub-Committee and Lead for Professional Doctorates. She also sits on the EFMD Doctoral Steering Group and the Sheffield Chamber of Commerce's Visitor Economy sub-group.

Staff profiles

Gill Pomfret

Associate Professor in Tourism


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