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Found 408 items for the search term business school

Case studies

Gripple — Keeping innovation at the heart of business

With five Queen’s Awards for Enterprise, constant innovation is part of the culture at Sheffield-based engineering firm Gripple

Materials and engineering
Knowledge transfer partnerships
Case studies

Saving Quorn Foods over £1m — and creating a new industry standard for sustainability

How we helped Quorn Foods improve their sustainability and save over £1m

Knowledge transfer partnerships
Staff profiles

Peter Prowse

Peter Prowse is the Professor of Human Resource Management and Employment Relations. He holds a BA (Hons) Industrial Relations and Law from the University of Kent, an MSc Industrial Relations and Personnel Management from London School of Economics and a PhD from Leeds University

Staff profiles

David Jones

I lecture across a range of disciplines in this field but specialise in the areas of finance and information systems. Information systems and their implications for organisation behaviour are my main area of interest and research for my DBA. My activities span all levels within the university, under and postgraduate as well as professional learners. My current academic role is that of Programme Leader for the Post Graduate portfolio within the department of Finance, Accounting and Business Systems and am also the Lead for the departments relationships, accreditations and exemptions with a range of professional bodies.

Staff profiles

Cecile Morris

Staff profile for Cecile Morris, Subject Group Leader (Food and Nutrition) at Sheffield Hallam University

Staff profiles

Paul Beresford

Paul Beresford is a senior lecturer and has just submitted his doctorate for examination which explores cultural branding approaches to the UK grocery market

Staff profiles

Dr Bridget Ogharanduku

I teach on the financial and management accounting modules and support students in achieving their educational and career ambitions.

Staff profiles

Jereme Snook

I joined the Department of Law within the College of Social Sciences and Arts at Sheffield Hallam University in January 2012

Staff profiles

Simon Nicholls

Staff profile for Senior Lecturer in French and Catalan Studies, Simon Nicholls.


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