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Analysis of polymers, minerals and organic-inorganic complexes

The Analysis of polymers, minerals and organic-inorganic complexes at MERI, Sheffield Hallam University.

Analysis of polymers minerals and organic inorganic complexes

Corrosion and Structural Integrity

We are highly active in the research and analysis of materials applicable to the offshore, aerospace, automotive and electrical power industries

Corrosion and structural integrity

Materials Analysis

We deliver materials analysis services to all industries which have materials based needs. All services are provided by experts from within Sheffield Hallam University, using a range of state-of-the-art instruments and techniques

Materials analysis
Ceramics and glass
Materials testing
Metals analysis
Paint analysis and selection
Polymers and composites
Services for business

Ceramics and glass

With significant expertise in materials characterisation methods we can solve industrial problems in a wide range of materials systems, using the state-of-the-art analysis techniques available in the Research Institute.

Ceramics and glass

Automation and robotics

Details of automation and robotics project undertaken by Sheffield Hallam University's Materials and Engineering Research Institute

Microscope imaging

In microscope applications, many of the imaging and vision techniques that are generally applied in industrial macro-environments are not suitable because of several constraints imposed by the micro-environment

Sustainability and process simulation

Sustainable technologies require significant investments of time and money. These investments must pay back within reasonable time scales

Sustainability and process simulation

Product development

The Centre for Infrastructure Management provides research and development (R&D) expertise to industry (especially SMEs) to develop innovative and novel products which enable the companies to maintain a lead market position.

Product development

Software and Hardware for Industry

We produced a feasibility study and built a prototype of a new software package for the monitoring and control of a smart electricity meter.

Software and hardware for industry

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