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Robot giving a helping hand in global study

A robot arm modelled on an elephant's trunk is helping a Sheffield student in a global project to help people with restricted mobility to carry out everyday tasks, such as helping them to feed themselves

Automation and robotics
Case studies

Simulation case study - Sweden Posten

SP has been using computer simulation to address various operational issues for many years. Having invested in modern and automated equipment at sorting centres, Sweden Posten wanted to simulate all sorting centres in the country

Automation and robotics
Sustainability and process simulation

Academic cuts cancer costs at hospital

A South Yorkshire hospital has cut costs and freed up bed space thanks to a computer modelling technique introduced by a Sheffield Hallam University academic

Automation and robotics
Process modelling and simulation

MERI Student Day a Huge Success!

his year’s MERI Student Seminar Day saw a record number of 2nd year research students giving a talk, 17 in total. The talks were of a very high standard and at the end of the day two 1st prizes were awarded to Helga Razaghi and Itai Vutabwarova

Advanced coatings
Automation and robotics
Corrosion and structural integrity
Infrastructure management
Materials analysis
Materials modelling and complex flows
Polymers and nanocomposites
Sustainability and process simulation

Reins project in the news!

The Reins project, which has been a joint collaboration between the Centre for Automation and Robotics at Sheffield Hallam University and King's College London has been discussed in, a leading web-based science, research and technology news service, as well as in Electronics Weekly

Automation and robotics

New materials engineering course a big success!

Sheffield Hallam University is now offering a full time undergraduate BEng (Hons) in Materials Engineering. The course is running in its first year and has proved very popular with ten students currently enrolled and more interested for next academic year

Advanced coatings
Automation and robotics
Corrosion and structural integrity
Infrastructure management
Materials analysis
Materials modelling and complex flows
Polymers and nanocomposites
Sustainability and process simulation

3D visualisation

We can offer licensing and other forms of cooperation concerning the developed products; consultancy in 3D modelling and data analysis; and longer term research cooperation in modelling, computer vision, real-time equipment control and robotics.

Automation and robotics

Object recognition and tracking

Over the years, we have developed several techniques for recognising and tracking 2D and 3D objects in real-time. These techniques are able to cope with variability of the lighting conditions, presence of clutter, background texture and general image noise.

Automation and robotics
Machine vision

Robot tool positioning and alignment

One of the main applications of machine vision in industry is in the alignment and positioning of tools that are used in a large variety of tasks.

Automation and robotics
Machine vision

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