Search results

Search results

Found 288 items for the search term law

Staff profiles

Luke Beardon

In his post as Senior Lecturer in autism Luke runs various courses at different academic levels in autism, including a Masters qualification, while continuing to research and consult in the field of autism

Staff profiles

Jean Harris-Evans

Jean specialises in Youth and Community Work and works in a leadership role within the Department of Education, Childhood and Inclusion

Louisa Cadman

Senior Lecturer in Human Geography

Staff profiles

Anna Sidorovitch


Staff profiles

Jane Tattersall

Currently a Principal Lecturer and Course Leader at Sheffield Business School, with more than 20 years of business experience before pursuing an academic career.

Commercial Services

Sheffield Hallam works with businesses of all sizes in a range of sectors. Whether you’re a local SME or global corporation, we can use our diverse skills and experience to make a real impact on your organisation

Staff profiles

Dr Ian Halliday

Staff profiles

Mark Swallow

Staff profile

Staff profiles

Stefanie Wigman

I am the Course Leader for BSc Psychology and Sociology and Module Leader for both postgraduate and undergraduate modules.

Staff profiles

Paula Hamilton

As senior lecturer I am responsible for the development and delivery of range of Criminology undergraduate and postgraduate modules


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