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Found 408 items for the search term business school

Staff profiles

Dr Katherine Gardiner

Dr Katherine Gardiner is a Senior Lecturer in Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management at Sheffield Business School.

Staff profiles

Ziqing Wang

Dr Ziqing Wang is a Lecturer in Economics at Sheffield Hallam University.

Staff profiles

Tonderayi Moyana

Tonderayi Moyana, Senior Lecturer, Sheffield Hallam University

Dr Mousa Alzubi

Staff profile for Dr Mousa Alzubi, Associate Lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University

'The teaching quality was great, and our course leader ensured we all had a positive learning experience.'

'The teaching quality was great, and our course leader was very helpful in ensuring that we all had a positive learning experience.'

Staff profiles

Alexander Tziamalis

Alexander is a Senior Lecturer in Economics at the Business School. He specialises in the teaching of Macroeconomics and Behavioural Economics and is currently the module leader in 4 modules across all undergraduate levels

Staff profiles

Lucian Tipi

In my role of subject group leader for the BOS group I have led the validation of a range of courses, including Logistics Management, Strategic Operations Management, Risk Management, Quality Management and currently Procurement and Logistics Management

Sheffield Business School
Staff profiles

Ellen Bennett

Ellen is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Regional, Economic and Social Research at Sheffield Hallam, with research expertise in the voluntary sector, public services and state-voluntary sector relationships

Staff profiles

Dr Philip Coombes

I am currently a Lecturer in Marketing at Sheffield Hallam University and a part time doctoral student at Hull University Business School. My research and teaching interests are in consumer and industrial marketing, strategic management and, in particular, the concept of business models.

Staff profiles

Pallavi Singh

Pallavi Singh is a Senior Lecturer in Marketing at Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK.


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