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Staff profiles

David Morrish

David Morrish is a fashion design researcher, lecturer and consultant, whose work is centred around pedagogy, tailoring and CADCAM technologies. His work explores traditional craftsmanship skills and modern methods of manufacture with an aim to create a more contemporary and innovative approach to fashion tailoring, disseminated within a HE curriculum structure. David is currently a fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Staff profiles

Nick Waddington

Studio Manager of Design Futures

Staff profiles

Peter Macqueen

Principal Lecturer

Staff profiles

Professor Douglas Hamilton

Staff Profile of Dr Douglas Hamilton, Head of History at Sheffield Hallam University

Social Sciences and Arts
Staff profiles

Jim Roddis

Jim Roddis was made an Emeritus Professor of the University on his retirement from full time employment and now works on a part time basis in the Art and Design Research Centre

Stephen Connor

Senior Lecturer

Staff profiles

Matthew Hurley

Lecturer in Politics (International Relations)

Helen Quirk

Staff profile for Helen Quirk, Researcher in Exercise Psychology

Staff profiles

Chris Sammon

I am a chemist with an interest in the design, characterisation and manufacture of polymer systems for a range of applications mainly at the interface with biology.


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