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Raman spectroscopy of cement - Pure synthetic C-S-H

A series of synthetic C-S-H phases has been prepared, with the aim of studying structural changes with changes in C/S

Materials analysis

Raman spectroscopy of pure clinker phases

Cement powders contain four major hydraulic constituents, ie clinker phases, which hydrate at different rates and thus influence important factors such as setting time, workability and mechanical strength

Materials analysis

Raman spectroscopy of White Portland cement

The grey colour of ordinary Portland cement is due to the presence of ferrite, the presence of which is unwelcome in White Portland cement (WPC)

Materials analysis

Raman spectroscopy of cement - Hydration of pure clinkers

Hydration of the two calcium silicate clinker phases, C3S and C2S proceeds, after an initial induction period, to form a poorly-defined calcium silicate hydrate

Materials analysis

Modelling Clay Polymer Nanocomposites

In collaboration with Prof Chris Breen and colleagues, we have been using molecular-resolution simulations of clay galleries to investigate detailed structural behaviours that underpin coating treatments used for food packaging applications.

Materials analysis
Polymers and nanocomposites

Metals and Metallic Coatings

Corrosion tests can be performed on metals, alloys and metallic coatings, such as hot-dip and electroplated surfaces

Corrosion and structural integrity
Materials analysis
Metals analysis

Thermal analysis (TGA, TG-MS, ATD-GCMS)

The Materials and Engineering Research Institute within Sheffield Hallam is offering thermal analysis (TGA, TG-MS, ATD-GCMS) services to internal and external businesses.

Materials analysis and spectroscopy
Materials analysis
Materials testing

Friction and wear testing facilities

The tribometer is applied to evaluate the friction and wear properties of various materials, such as hard coatings, hardened metals and ceramics, soft and solid lubricant materials.

Materials analysis
Materials testing
Metals analysis
Services for business

Pioneering researcher unveils new auxetic materials projects

MERI's Professor Andrew Alderson is leading several projects looking at commercial uses for auxetic materials, which become thicker when stretched or thinner when compressed

Electronic materials
Materials analysis

X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) services

A complete service is carried out for the glass industry from analysing the raw materials including sand, limestone, dolomite, soda ash, glass cullet, borax etc. to the finished product and also waste dusts.

Ceramics and glass
Materials analysis

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