More information about NHS Sheffield Talking Therapies

More information about NHS Sheffield Talking Therapies

What is NHS Sheffield Talking Therapies?

Sheffield Talking Therapies is a NHS service that offers a range of free courses as well as 1:1 talking therapies for adults who are experiencing problems with stress, anxiety symptoms or low mood. The NHS Sheffield Talking Therapies website has lots of information about the different ways that they can help. Please go to the NHS Sheffield Talking Therapies website for more information.

Who is the NHS Sheffield Talking Therapies service for?

  • Any adult (18yrs+) who lives in Sheffield who is experiencing:
  • Stress caused by life events, or Covid-19 related stress
  • Problems with anxiety and persistent worry
  • Feeling low or down in mood
  • Stress, anxiety or low mood associated with living with a long-term physical health condition (eg diabetes, chronic pain, or fatigue)
  • It is not likely to be suitable for anyone with high levels of distress, needing immediate help, or anyone with more complex psychological difficulties.

How can I get help at any point during my studies?

You are able to access any of our courses or arrange an assessment at any time of the year by going to our website and completing the online self-referral form. Alternatively, you can telephone the NHS Sheffield Talking Therapies admin team on (0114) 226 4380 and book onto a course or ask for an assessment. You can also discuss your wellbeing with your GP/Practice Nurse, or wellbeing staff at the University and they can help you access the service too.

Student only sessions available

In addition to the main NHS Sheffield Talking Therapies service, we have a yearly programme of one-off sessions available specifically to students. These sessions will provide some tips to look after your wellbeing and give you a taster of what NHS Sheffield Talking Therapies treatment looks like.

Don’t delay getting help - Remember you can access NHS Sheffield Talking Therapies at any time during your studies – these sessions are not the only option available to you, and you do not need to wait to access one of these sessions when you could access something sooner (see info above). You are also able to access further treatment through our service after attending one of these sessions (more info will be provided in the session).

All of the student sessions will be held online via MS Teams, on Wednesdays 3-4:30pm.

Please use this registration form to book onto these student sessions. (Please note you can only book onto these sessions 4 weeks in advance).


Semester 1 Student sessions

(more information and booking instructions on our main NHS Sheffield Talking Therapies page)


  • What is NHS Sheffield Talking Therapies and how to look after my wellbeing
  • How to manage my worry
  • How to manage my wellbeing at Christmas

Semester 2 Student sessions

(more information and booking instructions will be available in semester 2)

  • What is NHS Sheffield Talking Therapies and how to manage exam stress
  • How to overcome avoidance
  • How to live well with a long-term health condition
  • How to manage unhelpful thinking

How is my personal information stored?

We protect your privacy and store information confidentially on a dedicated computer system under the Data Protection Act 2018. This is only accessed and used by the NHS Sheffield Talking Therapies team. If we ever needed to contact anyone else about your safety, we will always try to discuss this with you first and involve you in the process. For more information please read our information storing leaflet here.

How do I access the session?

You will receive an email from our admin team in the week before the session. Please check your junk inbox if you do not think you have received it. The email will contain the Microsoft teams meeting link, a handout and any other relevant information. How do I use Microsoft Teams?

Microsoft teams can be downloaded for free to any device or you can add the app to your smartphone. When clicking on the meeting link you will be given the option to download the app or join the meeting by opening an internet page. Please join the session as a guest with either your full name or your initial and second name (eg John Smith or JSmith) so we know who has attended the session. You will enter a virtual lobby at first, and then let into the session 5 minutes before it is due to start.

What will the session involve?

There will be 2 facilitators who will deliver the session using PowerPoint slides, and they will have their video turned on. We generally ask participants to have their video and microphone off during the session to help protect the band. You might find it helpful to have your handout available to add any notes, or have a pen and paper available to jot anything down.

Will I be expected to participate? How can I ask questions?

The session will involve some opportunities for reflection and interaction, using generic case studies or open questions. It is up to you whether you want to contribute to these discussions. No one will put you on the spot or ask you to share anything personal. You can ask questions at anytime via the text chat function or raising your hand and speaking on the microphone. Please be aware that anything you type in the chat box will be visible to other participants.

What do I do if I have technical problems?

If you are experiencing issues with your internet connection and this is impacting on your ability to connect to the session please try the following:

  • Leaving the meeting, and re-joining can sometimes solve some issues
  • Ensure all other devices that use your internet connection are turned off.
  • Devices such as game consoles and those that are live streaming can cause significant issues to your internet speed
  • Move the device you are using closer to your router if possible
  • Contact your internet provider if none of the above improves your connection
  • If you continue to have problems accessing the course, you can contact us on 0114 2264380 to discuss alternative treatment options.

Is the session recorded?

No, the session is not recorded to protect other participants confidentiality.

How can I contact NHS Sheffield Talking Therapies?

If you have any questions about the session, you can email our admin team or you can call us on 0114 2264380.

How can I give feedback?

We really value your feedback. You will be provided with a link to an anonymous survey where you can give feedback on what you found helpful and what could be improved. If you do not have this link, you can send feedback to

I cannot attend the session, how can I find out more?

We may run this session, or similar wellbeing sessions again for your organisation. Look out for further information later in the year. We have a wide range of options available at NHS Sheffield Talking Therapies, that you can access at any time. Please see our website for more info. You can self-refer by filling in the online form, or calling 0114 2264380. If you live outside Sheffield, there are other NHS Sheffield Talking Therapies services available