Domestic and relationship abuse

Domestic and relationship abuse

Page written and resources collated by Naomi Saxton, Lead Wellbeing Practitioner

Domestic abuse is any abuse that happens in a family or personal relationship. Experiencing abuse within a close relationship can be very traumatising, and there can be range of responses and impacts on mental health, emotional wellbeing, as well as physical health. It can be very difficult for some people to come forward and seek help, but there is a lot of information, advice and guidance available, which might help some people feel more able to speak out and seek help.

It is never your fault, and you are not alone.

Please note that whilst we hope that all of the resources below are useful, the Student Wellbeing Service does not endorse the opinions expressed by other parties.


Self-help materials you can print, or download and save.

Resource Description
The Survivors Handbook - Womens Aid Women's Aid are a national organisation experienced in supporting survivors of Domestic Abuse Their Survivor's Guide is a web page containing information and links to support.
Domestic Violence and Abuse Help Guide On line guide with a detailed section on domestic abuse. Links to specific topics such as PTSD, Healing and moving on, How to get out of an abusive relationship
Domestic abuse - NHS pages Useful list of how to recognise the signs and who to talk to. Some useful information and links

Places to get help

Local and national organisations, websites

Resource Description
 Report and Support  Specialist support within Sheffield Hallam for relationship abuse. Request to speak to a practitioner via the website.
Sheffield DACT The DACT are the statutory service providing support for domestic abuse victims and survivors.
They offer a free helpline,0808 808 2241 (Monday – Friday 8:00am – 8:00pm, Saturday – 9:00am – 5:00pm, not open bank holidays)
Women's Aid and Refuge A useful source of information and support. They also co- run the National Domestic Violence helpline. This is open 24/7 and can be anonymous.
Call 0808 2000 247.
Karma Nirvana National Charity supporting victims of honour based abuse and forced marriage
Helpline Mon to Fri 0800 5999247 Email address to seek information about local places for men to get support re domestic abuse.