

Page written and resources collated by Cath Peppit, Senior Wellbeing Practitioner

Problem gambling is an urge to gamble continuously despite the behaviour having negative consequences on the person or those around them. People describe being unable to stop despite wanting to.


Note: we hope that the resources below are useful, but we do not endorse the opinions expressed by other parties.


Self-help materials you can print, or download and save.

Resource Description
GamCare For self guided resources if you think your gambling is an issue. GamCare offer self guided workbooks and worksheets to help you overcome gambling problems - available as downloads. They also offer an online treatment course.


Resource Description
GamBan Downloadable software that blocks all gambling sites from your devices. Using such software is taking a step into recovery and removing ease of access. Please speak to a GamCare Advisor on their helpline (0808 8020 133) to discuss how the software works and other blocking software available.
Gambless Gambling Addiction Prevention & Recovery Has a range of self assessment tools and life improvement courses to assist in recovery from gambling addiction. 
RecoverMe Mobile App To Manage A Gambling Addiction ( This is currently free for one year: please consider future charges before downloading – details at the link. The app has a range of tools to help you recover from gambling addiction. 

Places to get help

Resource Description
Krysallis - Sheffield Krysallis is a private counselling service offering GamCare counselling for both gamblers and family members effected by gambling in Sheffield. You can self-refer on their website and the service is free. Sessions are offered face to face, over skype or by phone.
GamCare Website GamCare is a leading provider in the UK providing information and advice around problem gambling. They operate a helpline where a dedicated advisor will take the time to talk through your concerns, offer coping strategies and support options specifically useful to you. Free helpline available 24/7 - 0808 8020 133.
Gamblers Anonymous Gamblers Anonymous run open meetings in Sheffield twice per week. Attending a meeting gives you the chance to meet people in recovery who you can learn from as well as meeting others who are in a similar difficult place.
BigDeal  Information and support for young people to find info and support related to gambling
Gordan Moody A charity supporting people to rebuild their lives from gambling addiction.
NHS Gambling Support  NHS help for problems with gambling including a short self assessment, support services, tips and advice.