Case Management

Case Management

Case management is an approach to the coordination of support around a student to enable them to progress with their studies at Sheffield Hallam University.

Case management is offered to students who are at increased levels of risk (which might mean to themselves or others but also their progression on the course might be at risk).  These students will often have complex issues which would benefit from the involvement of a number of services and need a co-ordinated approach to support.

Case managers are senior staff who might be Student Wellbeing Practitioners, Student Support Advisors or Disability Support Advisors, they work together with you to understand your needs, develop a plan which covers the support you get from across the University and any support from outside the university.

Case managers are able to work with you on an ongoing basis if needed, this will be decided between you as part of the case management process.

To access this support you can register with Student Wellbeing or speak to your Student Support Advisor

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