Self-isolation schedule planner

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Self-isolation schedule planner

The prospect of not being able to leave your house much, if at all, may be upsetting, and could impact on how much you are enjoying University life. To protect your wellbeing it is important you take proactive steps to give yourself a sense of normality, maintain a routine, and to do things you enjoy.

Download a schedule planner

We've created a two-week template for you to fill in. Download it here, and read on for advice on how to schedule, and how it can help

Sample calendar – download the planner for a full accessible version

How schedules help

There is evidence that having a routine can have a positive impact on wellbeing – routine can be an anchor which helps us to manage uncertainty. It can reduce stress because we naturally tick off a lot of things on our ‘to do’ list.

A routine helps us make time for good habits such as reading, exercise or a regular bedtime. Planning activities can add some structure to your days, look after your mind and make the most of your free time

Creating a schedule

We have pulled together some possible activities to help you fill your schedule, including exercise, wellbeing and skills sessions run by the University and Students' Union.

The calendar is to provide guidance and structure only. Your schedule needs to work for you. Alternative ways to structure your day/week could include:

  • Splitting your day up into more or fewer periods (the length of our suggested activities are provided).
  • Order your activities as it suits you. If the activities you want to do are only available at certain points of the day then plan those in first.
  • Use the time (8-9am) rather than time of day (early morning).
  • Give yourself less structure on a weekend.
  • Keep your daily structure the same, i.e. every early morning period use for exercise.

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