Making friends at university

Making friends at university

One of the most daunting aspects of starting university is the idea of making new friends. For many, including myself, making friends does not always come easily since it requires us to overcome social anxieties and put ourselves forward.

As an international student, I did not know anyone in the entire country when I first moved to Sheffield. The closest friends I had were thousands of miles away in a completely different time zone. Making friends has been like most things at university, a learning process.

Get involved

My first tip is to get involved. The best way to make new friends is to go to events and join groups that interest you. Societies are one of the best ways to meet fellow students interested in the same thing as you. Many times that interest is just the introduction you need; it starts a conversation that can evolve into a friendship.

Also go to events and trips put on by the University, usually the activities happening help overcome the nervousness you may feel when meeting new people. The GoGlobal programs for me have been great opportunities for doing some amazing things while also meeting other students.

Connect with coursemates

The next tip is to utilise your course mates. One of the first things you and your course mates should do is create a group chat, either on Facebook or Whatsapp.

At first it might just be used for asking general questions about the course or a specific module but chances are eventually someone is going to ask if anyone is around for a coffee or begin a conversation about a completely random topic that will allow you to take that step into friendship. I have been able to connect to so many of my course mates through our Whatsapp group.

Put yourself out there

Lastly and most importantly put yourself out there. What I mean by this is do not be afraid to make the first move in a friendship. I know I used to be scared that someone would think I was weird if I asked if they wanted to go for a coffee or to the pub but every single time it has been met by enthusiasm. Remember almost every student is in the same boat as you and won’t know many people.

If you are nervous about meeting new people, one of the few benefits that came from Covid-19 restrictions is the use of video chats and meetings. Many societies have been holding meetings and events online. Many times these are easier to join if you have social anxiety and a good way to break the ice with new people.

I hope these tips will help you along the way to making new friends. Remember you are interesting and people want to get to know you!