Five tips for studying at home

Five tips for studying at home

Feeling overwhelmed by studying at home? You’re not alone.

Studying at home instead of being on campus can be a real challenge for anyone. It is a big change, and you might feel that your learning experience is not the same.

But, there is no need to worry about it. There’s a 'rough road that leads to the heights of greatness', as Seneca used to say.

Here are 5 tips to make this work for you:

Make sure you have the right resources

It’s always best to be sure you have everything you need before you start studying. Find a quiet place away from any noise, check out the light and your internet connection and take out any books or notebooks you might need.

Make your environment comfortable

The more comfortable and nice your studying place is, the more you’ll want to spend time there. If you don’t have your own ‘office’ space with a desk and a chair, create a space in your room designated for this. Add your favourite decorations to your learning space such as candles, mugs, flowers or plants etc. My room has a seaside theme, for example. I like having a seashell shaped pencil box, a mermaid candle, flowers occasionally and always a coffee mug next to me.

Organise your time

Planning your schedule is very important as well. It keeps you focused on your objectives and gives you enough time for all the assessments you have. Split your tasks throughout the week, depending how much work and time you have. For instance, I used to have online classes every weekday except for Friday, therefore Friday was revision day.

Make sure you add all your assessment deadlines to your calendar, otherwise you might be in a hurry and end up asking for extensions. Also, try to keep up with any online lectures and seminars you might have.

Stay connected

Another way to make your studying at home experience good is to keep in touch with your coursemates. Discuss any concerns you might have regarding your assignments, work and find solutions together. It’s always great to discover and share your opinions with each other.

Take regular breaks

Studying at home might get exhausting and boring if you don’t take some regular breaks. Treat yourself to a snack and a drink when you feel like you need it. Go for a short walk or just chill listening to some music so you can relax for a bit. You deserve it!

Final thoughts

Now that you have read all of these, studying at home seems more appealing, right? Just don’t forget: check you have everything you need before starting, make your learning place as comfy as possible, plan your time in advance, keep in touch with coursemates and friends, and take a break when you feel you need to. You can do it!

By Florentina Mirela Tanase