Selection event for Return to practice (nursing and health visiting)

  1. Open days
  2. Selection event for Return to practice (nursing and health visiting)

Selection event for Return to practice (nursing and health visiting)

What is a selection event?

It's a process to assess whether you're suitable for a place on the course. It's a chance to show us your knowledge about the subject and your enthusiasm for the career.

Being invited to a selection event doesn't mean you're guaranteed a place on the course - the point of the day is to help us come to a mutual decision. We need to decide whether to make you an offer and you need to decide whether you like the course and the university.

To find out what will happen on the day, see the subject-specific information below. The timings listed are approximate, so please keep your plans for travelling home flexible.

When and where is my selection event?

If you're invited to a selection event you'll receive an email telling you when it is and where to go.

It's important to be on time. You should arrive 30 minutes before the start time so you can register. If you're delayed on the way to the event call 0114 225 5555 and ask for Admissions.

What happens on a selection event?

The selection process lasts approximately three and a half hours and consists of:

  • A 15-minute group activity in teams of 4-5 people.
    The group task is a significant part of the assessment process where an activity is completed and the group findings presented to the interview panel.  All candidates in the group are required to take part in both parts of the exercise. Group sizes may vary depending on the number of candidates present at the event.
  • An individual interview, either one to one or with a panel of two, lasting approximately 10-15 minutes.

What else can I experience on the day?

There will be opportunities to speak to members of the teaching team and practice partners during the event. There may also be the opportunity for a short tour of the facilities after the event. Please express your interest in this on the day. There are also other ways you can see our campus, including our weekly student-led tours.

Do I need to prepare anything in advance?

At the selection event you should be able to demonstrate an insight into the nursing profession and be familiar with NHS values and behaviours described in the NHS constitution.

What do I need to bring with me?

  • Declaration form:
    Please complete the declaration form sent with your interview email and bring this with you to the selection event. You must read the guidance included with the declaration to ensure that you provide a relevant, up-to-date and truthful declaration. Please note that if you are offered a place to study on the professional course you have applied for, you will be expected to complete a number of professional requirements and attend a pre-course day prior to enrolment. Failure to comply with any of these requirements will put your place at risk as your offer could be withdrawn.
  • Photographic identification:
    You must also bring photographic identification (photo ID). If possible please bring a passport or photo driving licence. If you do not own either of these, other forms of photographic identification will be sufficient for the selection event but should you be offered a place on the course you will be required to present further official identification documentation to complete the professional requirements referred to above. Please also bring with you a passport sized photograph with your full name printed on the back.

What are we looking for?

In the selection event we're looking for you:

  • to be able to demonstrate a thorough understanding of NHS values
  • to show a well-developed, clear and realistic understanding of the profession, contemporary healthcare issues and an awareness of what being a professional means. This should be supported by examples gained from your experience
  • to show an understanding of the format of the course. This includes the demand and resilience required to successfully combine academic study with clinical placements
  • to demonstrate your awareness of placement commitments, which includes:
  • willingness to travel
  • flexible shift patterns, throughout 24 hours, and seven days a week

Who is involved in the selection event?

  • Members of the SHU Nursing teaching staff.
  • Practice partners.

What should I wear?

Wear business dress.

How to find us

You will be informed by email where the selection event will take place.

What happens after my selection event?

We will not be able to tell you the decision on the day, but we will let you know the result as soon as possible. As there is very high competition for some courses, we may delay making final decisions until we have completed all the interviews. This means that you may not receive a decision following the interview for several weeks but we will inform you if this is the case.

If you are unsuccessful we will not be able to offer you a place on the course. However this does not prevent you from applying in future, should you undertake further study or develop your skills and experience. For individual feedback on the decision you can contact

Cancel event

Are you sure you want to cancel your place on Saturday 12 November?
