'I'm using my media skills to help the community.'

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  4. 'I'm using my media skills to help the community.'

'I'm using my media skills to help the community.'

Lewis in the community library

Lewis Saunderson is a BA Media student. For his third-year placement, he worked for the charity Stainforth 4 All, helping to build a strong, cooperative community in Stainforth, Doncaster.

‘Stainforth is one of the most deprived areas of Doncaster. There are issues with unemployment, as well as poor amenities and infrastructure and a general lack of community spirit. Stainforth 4 All aims to combat this.

‘For my placement, I ran the social media accounts and website, designed marketing material, and helped in the day-to-day running of the charity.

‘We help people in all sorts of situations through volunteering, events and initiatives. Recently, a mum came to us who couldn’t afford to pay for her son’s Taekwondo lessons anymore, despite his talent. We provided a small grant to help; her son now ranks in the Top 20 in the world, and will be applying for the Olympics.

‘My placement is really varied – every day is all hands on deck. We provide job, homework and lunch clubs, fund educational trips and cover people’s travel costs so they can attend interviews. There’s also a charity shop, litter-picking and community events. There’s a lot to do, and the budget is tight to non-existent!

‘There’s a lot of trial and error, especially as I’m self-taught. I’ve had to be very creative to make it work – but it does.’


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