"I founded my own magazine"

"I founded my own magazine"



Chelsea Cheetham graduated from the BA (Hons) English course in 2021. She is the founder and editor-in-chief of Cherry Chu magazine, an online publication dedicated to South Korean and Japanese entertainment. She is also applying to work as an English teacher in South Korea.

"My time as an English student provided me with many of the key skills that I now use working as the editor-in-chief of a magazine. My written English improved tenfold on my degree, which is really useful — both when I’m writing my own articles and editing those of my contributors. 


"The creative writing module I took means I can always add poetic flare to my writing. And the degree also developed my character and confidence, so I can quite happily lead a team of nine contributors, and confidently conduct interviews when necessary. 


"I'd also like to give a special mention to my tutors, who believed in me and always ensured that I was provided with a high level of teaching."


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