'From day one you're treated as a biomedical scientist.'

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  4. 'From day one you're treated as a biomedical scientist.'

'From day one you're treated as a biomedical scientist.'

Tia and Najma study BSc Biomedical Science at Sheffield Hallam and are applying their lab skills working in the Haematology department at Sheffield Children’s Hospital.

Najma: 'From day one you're treated as a biomedical scientist. You're not a student anymore.

'I've been on wards, I've been doing phlebotomy rounds, I've been doing maintenance on machines, things that I didn't know biomedical scientists do.'

Tia: 'My course prepared me very well for my placement. 

'You learn a lot of professional skills and practice, so that helps you with communication, it helps you with technical abilities, things in the lab that you're going to need when you work in industry.'

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