'People now look up to me as a success story'

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  4. 'People now look up to me as a success story'

'People now look up to me as a success story'

Oluwatobi Alonge


Oluwatobi Alonge from Nigeria currently studies MA International Journalism on a Transform Together scholarship.

'The UK is well known for its quality education and its graduates are considered highly employable. I chose Sheffield Hallam University because of its excellent teaching quality and massive investment in Education. Sheffield is like a home away from home for me. It has provided me with opportunities to network and interact with other international students just like me.'

'During the pandemic, the University has put in place good support mechanisms to help us cope with hardship, such as a remote learning fund, a rental hardship fund and a £200 refund for the Covid tests that we took on arrival in the UK. I thought that this, coupled with the mental health checks by the student well-being team, was incredible.'

'I found out about the Transform Together scholarship from the University’s website. The instructions were clear, and the application process was seamless. I am happy I applied, and I’m glad I was selected. When I got my congratulatory email, I was like “wow, my dream is finally coming true!”. It took me no time to reply and accept the offer. It was indeed a happy moment.'

'The scholarship has helped me in more ways than one. It opened the door to my status as an international student and has given me the opportunity to meet people from all over the world. Academically, it has exposed me to new ways of thinking and tailored my learning towards my journalism career. Being a Transform Together Scholarship student has put me on a pedestal, giving me confidence and making me optimistic of a bright future. People now look up to me as a success story and to provide guidance regarding becoming a scholarship student. This gives me much pride and joy.'

'I encourage future applicants to make a strong application by following the scholarship guidelines, being confident in their ability, and also believing in the decision of the scholarship board.' 

'The Transform Together scholarship award is the best gift I have ever received. I hope that I can continue to engage as a Transform Together scholarship recipient after completing my studies as a way of giving back.'

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