'The teaching quality was great, and our course leader ensured we all had a positive learning experience.'

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  2. Student stories
  3. Postgraduate student stories
  4. 'The teaching quality was great, and our course leader ensured we all had a positive learning experience.'

'The teaching quality was great, and our course leader ensured we all had a positive learning experience.'

Namrata chose Sheffield Hallam to study MSc International Business Management because she liked the course structure and the Sheffield Business School's AACSB accreditation, which places it in the top 5% of business schools globally.

'The teaching quality was great, and our course leader was very helpful in ensuring that we all had a positive learning experience.'

'The University's student support academic and employability advisers have been super helpful, whether offering financial or emotional advice or assisting with scholarship and hardship grants. This support helped me in understanding modules and updating my CV for future employment. The Skills Centre also helped me in working on my assignments and improving my research skills.'

'After graduation, I plan to pursue a career in business management. The experience I've gained during my course will help me succeed in my future projects and fulfil my career aspirations.' 

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