'I researched relevant, interesting topics and gained useful career skills'

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  4. 'I researched relevant, interesting topics and gained useful career skills'

'I researched relevant, interesting topics and gained useful career skills'

Hannah Pike

After completion of her undergraduate degree in Sport Development and Coaching, Hannah Pike decided to continue studying at Hallam, taking an LLM International Sports Law.

'I continued my studies at Hallam as it felt like the natural thing to do. I was settled in Sheffield with a good circle of friends, I had received good support at undergrad and the university has a great reputation for law courses. I wanted to maintain continuity - it was the obvious progression.

'Postgraduate studies is largely a one-to-one or individual learning experience. The facilities are excellent: you have access to the Helena Kennedy Centre for International Justice, where you can apply your skills in a real-world setting.

'My masters has given me valuable insight into making the transition from sport to law, having developed professional legal skills and technical writing expertise.

'I researched interesting, relevant topics like anti-doping. I am now using this research for my Graduate Diploma in Law project. I intend to take my Legal Practice Course in the near future and pursue a career with law in sport.

'I would recommend the course to anyone considering a career as a sports lawyer, barrister or consultant.'

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