“My course helped me prepare for the realities of the world of sports law”

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  4. “My course helped me prepare for the realities of the world of sports law”

“My course helped me prepare for the realities of the world of sports law”

Conrad Gibbons

Conrad Gibbons studied LLM International Sports Law in Practice at Sheffield Hallam University and he is currently working as a Senior Judicial Services Officer at the Football Association.

“The course prepared me for my current role in several ways, mainly in two key areas: the practicalities of football in terms of organisational structure and the application of rules and regulations of law in sports. Both aspects are important in my current role and for my career path going forward.

“In my current role, my responsibilities include facilitating disciplinary and safeguarding hearings throughout all levels of football in England, from the Premier League to U7s teams.

“My masters helped me to understand and explain legal principles and terminology in a way people could easily understand. It's meant I can assist participants and others in handling distressing situations and providing clear guidance.

“I also frequently field inquiries from highly experienced panel members and barristers regarding rules, regulations, and their application in football. My degree not only taught me the basics of how law is applied in football but also how to explain this in layman's terms.

“The tasks related to mock trials during the course have given me the platform to give complex guidance to experienced professionals on how regulations should be applied and how procedural matters should be undertaken.

“During the course, we were also assigned to work in groups involved in proceedings concerning a breach of regulations by a football agent, either prosecuting or defending the agent. It was a fantastic learning experience, and it was incredibly enjoyable and competitive.

“What I enjoyed most was meeting my course mates, the external partners we worked with and my lecturers. The content related to law in football and the expertise of the lecturers who presented it were particularly fascinating to me.

“Football is my favourite sport, and so I find the intricacies of how law applies to it and how football itself is regulated really interesting.. The insights provided by the lecturers and guest lecturers offered a unique and inspiring glimpse into the world of football. I was able to gain the knowledge and experience needed to enter the football sector and this has also positioned me well for career progression.

“For those considering applying for the course, I would advise you to go for it! You don't need to be a massive sports fan or aspire to be a solicitor or barrister to benefit from the skills and knowledge you will gain.

“Even if you're unsure about your career path, this course offers a platform to discover the wide range of jobs and opportunities in the sports sector across various roles and areas. The insights you gain while studying may well inspire your career path moving forward.

“I would strongly encourage anyone with a serious interest in breaking into the sports law sector to consider this course. It offers a hands-on, practical view and experience of the sports law sector, preparing you for the realities of the sector.”

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