Health and social care continuing professional development

  1. Study
  2. Study options
  3. Health and social care CPD courses

Health and social care continuing professional development

Our approach to Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is designed to meet the personal and career development needs of health and social care professionals.

We have expertise in a broad range of health and social care areas with a portfolio developed over many years of partnership working with clinicians, education specialists, commissioners and service users.  This allows us to offer courses across multiple professions to help improve the quality of service delivery, interventions and clinical pathways.

We offer a range of modules and short courses for health and social care professionals, suitable for a wide range of professions.  Many are delivered via online distance learning - a flexible and cost-effective option which enables staff to fit their studies around existing work commitments and immediately put their learning in to practice. We also offer blended and face-to-face learning opportunities.  Read more about how you study here.  Our modules are delivered to a regional, national and international audience.

All modules and short courses are accessible to self-funding and sponsored students, and subject to eligibility, if you are a non-medical NHS professional working in the appropriate regions, you may also be eligible for funding to study on some of these modules and short courses.

Bespoke provision

Over the last two decades, we have established a strong track record of working in partnership with health and social care leaders and managers to deliver transformational change through the development and delivery of bespoke education packages.  Our non-accredited bespoke offer allows us to be flexible in responding to the specific requirements of service providers and the diverse needs of different staff groups and individuals. 

If you would like to discuss your requirements for a bespoke educational package please contact us.


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