Supporting Ukraine

Supporting Ukraine

As a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, there are now 1.5m Ukrainian students whose university education has been disrupted. Many have been displaced and conscripted into the army, whilst others have left Ukraine for Europe.

There is significant infrastructure damage to universities  teaching and research have stopped. We are providing help and support for Ukrainian students, academics and institutions and there are various activities currently taking place.

UUKi twinning initiative with Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design (KNUTD)

We are one of 80 universities to sign up to the UUKi/Cormack Consultancy twinning programme and have been matched with Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design (KNUTD). Find out more about the initiative on our News hub.

Potential collaborations and methods of assistance are being considered for both the immediate and medium-term, such as students coming to Sheffield to study, the development of online learning, and sharing of course materials and learning resources. Potential priority subject areas have been identified.

A matching exercise will enable academics in the UK and Ukraine to discuss what is possible. We are working to provide KNUTD students with access to pre-recorded lectures and library / learning materials.

What we've done so far

  • In early meetings, it was clear that the priority for KNUTD was to provide motivational opportunities for students and we have since agreed on two pilot projects. One of these will involve a small group of 15-17 year-old art and design students visiting Sheffield for summer school this year. The students will exhibit the work of their entire class, something they cannot do in Kyiv, which will be open to the general public. They will also attend art and design sessions in our studios and English language classes.
  • Additionally, all PhD students at KNUTD will be given access to our online library resources and will be welcomed into their respective research communities here at Hallam.

Both pilot projects will expand to wider student groups in 2022/23.

What's next

  • An exercise to match our respective teaching and research staff is now complete. We will jointly develop a curriculum and portfolio to enable collaboration between students at Hallam and KNUTD. 
  • There is now a global awareness of the twinning initiative. We have received an offer of support from La Trobe University in Australia (our global strategic partner) to provide any help that is required. A research collaboration looking at the environmental impact of the invasion is now in its infancy between La Trobe, Sheffield Hallam and KNUTD. 

Displaced Ukrainian students

We are responding to enquiries from displaced Ukrainian students seeking to transfer to Sheffield Hallam. Currently, we advise that if Ukrainian students are interested in studying here from September 2022, they should follow the standard application process. We are still waiting for clarification from the UK government on eligibility for tuition fee loans.

Displaced Ukrainian students who are already in the UK are being supported to apply to study with us. Ukrainian nationals who have a visa are eligible for tuition fee loans.

We are guiding Ukrainian students seeking to transfer credit towards a degree course and enter with advance standing. We are also developing support mechanisms for displaced students in Ukraine, working alongside guidelines and advice from UUKi.

For Ukrainian students displaced elsewhere (not in the UK), we are exploring an option to provide access to pre-recorded lectures and learning resources. This includes exploring options to deliver courses from September 2022, and an option for a summer catch-up offer. This would likely be delivered online as feedback has indicated that in-person learning may be impractical and against the wishes of the Ukrainian HE sector who don’t wish to see a ‘brain drain’.

Sheffield City Region

We are in contact with Sheffield City Council and the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain (AUGB) to support the region’s response to the Russian invasion.

Smiling Ukrainian refugee family visiting Sheffield Hallam University Campus

Ukrainian refugees visit campus

Read about how Sheffield Hallam University's laptop donation has benefitted Ukrainian refugees.

Find out more
Innovative hotel simulation with Ukraine students

Latest news

Read about how Hallam staff share innovative hotel simulation with students in Ukraine.

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