“I’m in a role I would have never been able to pursue without the apprenticeship.”

“I’m in a role I would have never been able to pursue without the apprenticeship.”

Joanne Farquhar headshot

Joanne recently completed her Physiotherapy degree apprenticeship at Sheffield Hallam University and shares how it has helped her to progress in a role that she otherwise couldn’t have. 

“The course began at the start of the COVID pandemic, which required significant changes in the way it was delivered. However, despite these changes, I found the course engaging and challenging. The lecturers were all really helpful and approachable during my time at Sheffield Hallam. 

“Balancing work and study were difficult at times, particularly during placements in terms of preparation and planning. Finding the motivation to work on assignments after a full day of placement required a lot of effort and motivation. Despite this, it was worth it!

“Since completing the course I am now a qualified Physiotherapist, a role I would have never been able to pursue without the degree apprenticeship. I will always be grateful for this. 

“The degree apprenticeship has opened new doors for me to develop and advance in my place of work.”

“To make the most of your study and placement experience, it’s essential to be organised and self-disciplined.

“Prepare well for placements to get the most benefit from them. Ask for help if you need it and most importantly enjoy the experience and make the most of opportunities that come your way.”

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