Digital and technology solutions

  1. Study
  2. Higher and degree apprenticeships
  3. Digital and technology solutions

Digital and technology solutions

Get hands-on experience in IT consultancy, software engineering or technology solutions, and gain a university qualification at the same time.

Find details about modules, entry requirements and how to apply on the course pages.

If you want to offer an apprenticeship for an existing employee or a new recruit, speak to our team.


  • Data analyst

    Data analyst

    Qualify as a data analyst by applying this innovative degree programme to a related digital and technology job role.

    Find out more

  • Close shot of someone wearing a navy blue shirt and using a smartphone whilst sketched out screen and button layouts sit on the desk underneath.

    IT consultant

    Qualify as an IT consultant by applying this innovative degree programme to a related digital and technology job role.

    Find out more

  • Two students looking at a PC monitor

    Software engineer

    Qualify as a software engineer by applying this innovative degree programme to a related digital and technology job role.

    Find out more

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