Pre-interview submission guide for health and social care applicants

Pre-interview submission guide for health and social care applicants

So we can get to know you better during the application process, we ask applicants from some courses to record and upload a video of yourself telling us what you know about the course you’re applying for, and why you want to join the profession. This will need to be completed before you are invited to interview.

The video doesn’t have to be professional looking or polished, it can be filmed on a phone, tablet, or laptop. Try not to worry or over think it, it’s just to show your passion and enthusiasm for the subject.

This guide is for people applying for:

  • BSc Paramedic Science
  • BSc Physiotherapy
  • BSc Midwifery

Step-by-step guide to recording your video

Prepare what you want to say.

Try writing a short script or cue cards to use while you are recording.

You could include:

  • What do you know about the role you’re applying for? Draw on any experiences you have had, or things you have read that can inform your answer.
  • What would you enjoy about the profession?
  • How did you learn about the profession, and has this shaped your decision to study it?
  • What skills and personality traits do you think you may bring to the role? For example, are you a compassionate person, do you want to make a difference to people’s lives?

Get a phone, tablet, or laptop with a webcam to record your video.

  • Make sure your location is well-lit and your video is clear.
  • Use the camera on your phone or laptop. If you don’t have a video app on your laptop, there are a number of options you can download for free.
  • You can use headphones or earphones with a microphone to get rid of any external noise.
  • Do a test recording to check that your sound is clear and the video quality is okay.

Record your video and save it to your device.

Check your video works and that you're happy with it. Make sure you've covered everything you want to say.

Upload your video using the Dropbox link we send via email.

  • Go to ‘Add files’ to navigate to the storage location where your video is saved.
  • Select your video file, input your name and email address then go to ‘Upload’.
  • Use your full name and the email address that you used on your UCAS application form so we can match the recording up with your application.