How to pay your fees

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How to pay your fees

Learn all the ways to finance your tuition fees, how to pay, and when payments are due.

Sponsored or employer-funded students

We will invoice your sponsor directly. So that we can do this, you must send the following to each academic year:

  • proof of sponsorship
  • name and address for the fees invoice

Proof of sponsorship can be a purchase order, or a confirmation letter on your sponsor's official letterhead. It should include your name, course, year, and sponsorship amount.

Send these details as soon as you can. If you do not send them within two weeks of enrolment, we will invoice you for your fees.

Your sponsor must pay within 30 days of the date shown on the invoice. If they do not do so, you will be expected to pay your tuition fees.


The majority of our apprenticeship courses are funded partly by the government's Skills Funding Agency, and partly by your employer. Your fee sponsorship arrangements will be set out in the employer sponsor letter.

Online Study  

If you have enrolled on one of our online courses with our Higher Education Partners (HEP), a unique payment link will be issued to you via their payment portal.

Self-financing students

We will send an invoice that explains what you need to pay, and when. The instalment plan we offer you depends on:

  • whether you are studying full-time or part-time
  • whether you are a home or international student
  • your fee amounts

Sometimes invoices come late. If this happens, we cannot extend the due dates for your payments.

For details of when instalments are due for new students see the payment dates pages.

Tuition fee deposits

If you are an international full-time taught student, you need to pay a deposit to secure your place. Here's the deposit information based on your circumstances.

1- If you're starting your course from January 2025:

• Students from Bangladesh and Afghanistan need to pay a deposit equal to 100% of their tuition fee.

 All International Foundation Programme students are required to pay a deposit of £5,000 (or acceptable financial guarantee) on acceptance of their offer in order for a Certificate of Acceptance to Study (CAS) to be issued.

• For all other international students, the deposit amount is £3,000.  

• A prepayment of £8000 or 100% of the tuition fee, if this is less than £8000, is required on re-enrolment each year.

Find out about payment methods and refunds.

What happens if my fees are not paid?

You need to stay up-to-date with payments and clear of debts while studying.

Your fee bill will include a due date for payment. If payment is not received by the due date you could

  • lose access to IT
  • not be allowed to enrol
  • be withdrawn from your course and lose your funding
  • lose visa sponsorship
  • not get your certificate or letter of award confirmation
  • not be able to attend your graduation ceremony
  • have formal third party recovery action taken

If you are withdrawn from your course of study you will have to re-apply to continue studying with us.

There is more information in our Assessment of Students in Debt Policy.

If you have applied for a loan from the Student Loans Company  

If we don't get confirmation that your tuition fee loan has been approved, we will treat you as a self-financing student and send you invoices for your fees.

If your loan is approved after you get an invoice from us, let us know as soon as possible. We will refund any tuition fees you have paid for that academic year.

We understand that some Muslim students and members of other faiths may not take out the UK Government Student Loans, due to the interest that is added to the repayments which may be considered as Sharia non-compliant. 

The Department for Education have been working with the National Union of Students and the Federation of Student Islamic Societies to work towards a Sharia-compliant funding system. They are hoping to give an update following the announcement of the Lifelong Learning Entitlement (LLE), which is due to launch in 2026. We will update this page when there is more information. 

Sharia-compliant banking and charitable funding*

There are a few well-known Islamic banks and charities, that can offer Sharia-compliant facilities to students. These include:  

*Please be aware that each organisation will have its own eligibility criteria and limits which may affect eligibility. Sheffield Hallam University do not specifically endorse nor have a partnership with any of these and cannot provide any support or guarantees for this funding.


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