How to be a great placement provider

How to be a great placement provider

Help our students complete the Applied Professional Diploma 

During the placement year, our students are required to demonstrate their learning through the completion of a synoptic portfolio (the terminology may differ depending on the discipline area of the student’s degree). This forms part of their Applied Professional Diploma. The Applied Professional Diploma is customised to the overall placement “setting” and students select this before they commence their placement. These settings include: 

  • Industry 
  • Enterprise 
  • Research Consultancy 
  • International 
  • Community 

To complete the Applied Professional Diploma our students will work with you and an academic member of University staff to set relevant objectives within their synoptic portfolio. 

Treat our students as you would any other member of staff 

The most effective and meaningful way for students to develop is to be treated as regular employees wherever possible. The University does not always require special arrangements to be made for our students, other than those required for them to achieve their learning outcomes whilst on placement. We expect the work they complete to be done in their own time, but we welcome any time given to this during their working hours. 

Let us know if you have concerns with a particular student 

We welcome any support and assistance you can provide in the pastoral and developmental aspects of your relationship with our students, and the majority of any concerns can be resolved by routine line management. 

If you have concerns about our students, whether this is pastoral or developmental, we have University staff that can provide guidance and support. In the first instance, please contact the student’s placement academic adviser (or equivalent). Alternatively, if they have not yet been in touch, contact or call 0114 225 4783.