Gérard Jones

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Gérard Jones

How augmented verbal instruction can be used by coaches to guide learners' search for performance solutions in football

This PhD aims to investigate how verbal augmented feedback (instructional constraints) can be used to guide a football player's attentional search for performance solutions. 

It will examine how instructions can be used to guide search through the role of transitional information, within a constraints-led approach, in order to improve players' learning and performance. These contributions will help coaches understand how they can use information more effectively, developing a framework that can be used to improve players' ability to self-regulate and become less reliant on the coach, and thus more adaptable and game-responsive.

Gérard's employment history includes:

  • Elite Coach Educator - Fédération Royale Marocaine de Football (ongoing)
  • Director of Coaching - John Jay FC 
  • Head of Coaching - Bristol Rovers FC 
  • Coach Educator - Football Association of Wales 
  • Director of Coaching - Eastside FC 
  • U21 Assistant - Bradford City FC 
  • Head Academy Coach - RIASA 
  • Lead Academy Coach - Rochdale AFC
  • Director of Coaching - Arsenal FC Soccer Schools 

His qualifications include:

  • MSc Performance Coaching
  • PGCE in Lifelong Learning
  • FA UEFA A Licence
  • FA Advanced Youth Award (Youth Development Phase: 12-16)
  • USSF Grassroots Instructors Licence

In his spare time, Gérard enjoys researching, reading and learning more about the sport. You can find out more about him, including his extensive research output, at his ResearchGate profile.

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