School Recovery Strategies

About this project

Research to understand how primary and secondary schools in England have responded to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and what further support they believe they need going forwards.

Research partners

CfEY Ipsos Mori

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School Recovery Strategies


Research to understand how primary and secondary schools in England have responded to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and what further support they believe they need going forwards.

Secondary students going home from school wearing face masks

The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in school closures and disruptions for significant parts of three academic years from 2019/20 to 2021/22. The full impact of this will not be understood for some time, although evidence emerging from this research and others suggests the impact of school absence and disruptions can have a significant and lasting impact on a child’s learning. School closures have the potential to widen the attainment gap between disadvantaged children and their peers, with pupils receiving FSM and those experiencing digital poverty being disproportionately affected. Schools’ approaches to assessing the lost learning, and the recovery strategies they put in place to support pupils through these disruptions, will be vital in helping pupils catch up.

This research aims to understand these issues to inform policy makers by:

  1. Assessing the scale of lost learning, approaches schools are taking to address lost learning and their effectiveness
  2. Understanding how schools are using the Government’s additional ‘catch up/recovery premium’ funding 
  3. Exploring how best to reach children who need the greatest support 
  4. Assessing how best to support schools moving forward to minimise the impact of lost time in education and to return to their normal curriculum, taking into account longer term factors such as further closures, remote learning and other lockdown measures

Funding partners


Department for Education


About this project

Research to understand how primary and secondary schools in England have responded to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and what further support they believe they need going forwards.

Research partners

CfEY Ipsos Mori

Get in touch

Contact us to discuss facilities, partnerships, doctoral research and more

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School Recovery Strategies: Year 1 findings Research report. Published January 2022 

Research team

Bernadette Stiell 123995

Bernadette Stiell

Ben Willis 202946

Ben Willis

Benjamin Willis
Mike Coldwell 29093

Mike Coldwell

Mike Coldwell
Staff profile image

Melissa McVeigh

Ipsos Mori

Staff profile image

Joanna Crossfield

Ipsos Mori

Staff profile image

Emily Mason

Ipsos Mori

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Elpida Achtaridou

Ipsos Mori

Staff profile image

Adam Behailu

Ipsos Mori