Research Mobilities in Primary Literacy Education.

About this project

Exploring how literacy research findings move to and between primary teachers and what happens to them as they do so

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Research Mobilities in Primary Literacy Education.

Exploring how literacy research findings move to and between primary teachers and what happens to them as they do so

Multi coloured cotton thread wrapped around spikes on white background, thread art.

This interdisciplinary project uses an innovative blend of digital and established methods to explore teachers’ experiences of accessing, exchanging and engaging with research, to trace the movements of  pieces of research evidence, and to investigate the role of individuals, organisations, texts and technologies in brokering research. We are interested, for example, in the role of educational leaders, literacy charities, independent consultants, social media influencers, school and national policy,  algorithms and hashtags).

We also want to find out whether some kinds of research move more easily than others, and whether, and if so how, the key messages from research studies change as they move between research brokers and teachers. We will build on the project’s findings to develop new opportunities for teachers to engage with research and with literacy researchers, and produce materials for use by teachers, schools and student-teachers that provide opportunities for critical engagement with a wide range of literacy research. 

The project’s findings will have implications for all those with interest in the relationship between research and literacy education  (e.g. educators, school leaders, policy-makers, literacy charities, teacher educators and other educational organisations).

For further details or to get involved, see our project website



Research Partners

Professor Julia Gillen

Lancaster University

Julia Gillen staff profile on Lancaster University website

Dr Terrie Lynn Thompson,

University of Stirling

Dr Terrie Lynn Thompson, University of Stirling

About this project

Exploring how literacy research findings move to and between primary teachers and what happens to them as they do so

Get in touch

Contact us to discuss facilities, partnerships, doctoral research and more

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Research team

Cathy Burnett 119579

Professor Cathy Burnett

Principle Investigator

Gill Adams 217182

Dr Gill Adams


Gill Adams
Petra Vackova

Petra Vackova
