Regional Implementation Leads (RILs) in Bristol – Pilot Evaluation

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Regional Implementation Leads (RILs) in Bristol – Pilot Evaluation

This project aims to advance our understanding of knowledge mobilisation in relation to EEF regional delivery, by evaluating the RIL active implementation support model as a means of improving evidence-informed processes and practices in schools.

Teachers discussing ideas around meeting table

The Regional Implementation Leads (RILs) are skilled education leaders who act as intermediaries in supporting schools to use high quality evidence-informed practices. In this pilot, Bristol schools are offered implementation training and RIL support on the deployment of Teaching Assistants (as summarised in the EEF Guidance: Making the Best Use of Teaching Assistants). The pilot evaluation will investigate participating schools’ capabilities and capacity for implementing evidence-based processes at the start and end of the project, and examine their engagement, perceptions and outcomes of the project at the school, city and wider school system levels.

Funding partners

Education Endowment Foundation logo

Education Endowment Foundation

Education Endowment Foundation website

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Project Documents

RILs project information sheet (DOCX, 77.7KB)

Research team

Bronwen Maxwell 121106

Professor Bronwen Maxwell

Principle Investigator

Ben Willis 202946

Ben Willis

Principle Investigator & Project Manager

Benjamin Willis
Bernadette Stiell 123995

Bernadette Stiell

Principle Investigator

Hongjuan Zhu

Hongjuan Zhu

Hongjuan Zhu
Dee Rutger

Dee Rutgers

Dee Rutgers
Claire Wolstenholme 203462

Claire Wolstenholme

Claire Wolstenholme