Maths and Physics Teacher Supply Package: Scoping and Early Process Evaluation

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Maths and Physics Teacher Supply Package: Scoping and Early Process Evaluation

An early stages evaluation of four programmes to improve Maths and Physics teacher recruitment and retention

Man with scientific equipment

The evaluation focused on four different programmes.

  • Paid Internships offered paid experience in schools targeted at penultimate year maths and physics undergraduates. The scheme was popular with participants and was felt to have potential in future to lead to increased numbers applying to ITT.
  • Maths and Physics Chairs recruited, trained and placed PhD researchers as teachers. There were communications issues which led to fewer successes than hoped, which were addressed after the study took place.
  • Return to Teaching focused on returners. Around 11% of those supported successfully attained teaching posts, lower than the expected conversion rate due in particular to difficulties in gaining appropriate classroom experience: the advice provided was experienced as very positive.
  • Teacher Subject Specialism Training provided subject-specific training for non-specialists. The programme was very well received by participants, especially in terms of improved confidence and subject and pedagogical knowledge.

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Project report for DfE, March 2017

Research team

Bernadette Stiell 123995

Bernie Stiell

Senior research fellow

Mike Coldwell 29093

Dr Mike Coldwell

Professor of Education

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Eleanor Byrne

Dr Eleanor Byrne

Senior research fellow

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Emily Perry 206737

Dr Emily Perry

Professor of Education

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