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Discover our apprenticeship programmes in chartered surveying

Join us to discover how our apprenticeship programmes can add value to your organisation.

Higher and degree apprenticeships

Find out more about our senior leader apprenticeship programmes

Join us to find out how our senior leader apprenticeship programmes can help you build a stronger team.

Higher and degree apprenticeships
Case studies

How apprenticeships bring new skills and talent to help grow a smaller business

As a smaller company, apprentices have provided The Serious Sweet Company with an additional resource in a very busy and virtual area of their business.

Higher and degree apprenticeships
Workforce development
Case studies

Our degree apprenticeship is helping SYSTRA stay ahead of industry trends

We spoke to Lorraine West, Corporate Image Coordinator at SYSTRA, to find out how degree apprenticeships have benefitted their business.

Higher and degree apprenticeships
Case studies

“Apprenticeship programmes have enabled us to develop staff and equip them with key skills.”

We spoke to Jonathan Young, Chief Information Officer at FDM Group, about his experience with higher degree apprenticeships and how they equipped his staff with key skills.

Higher and degree apprenticeships

“Apprenticeships offer an empowering route for young people into work.”

We spoke to Ian Rainbow, project manager at BAM Construction to learn more about his experience with higher and degree apprentices.

Higher and degree apprenticeships
Built environment

“The main benefit of apprenticeships is they help us retain our staff.”

We spoke to Katy North, Clinical Practice Educator at Barnsley Hospital to find out how our health and social care apprenticeships are benefitting their organisation.

Higher and degree apprenticeships

“The recruitment support is a clear differentiator from other universities.”

Discover how we've supported FDM Group to recruit high quality, diverse talent through degree apprenticeships.

Higher and degree apprenticeships

“Apprentices bring the latest skills into your business to push it forward.”

We spoke to Mark Swallow, Course Leader for the Construction Site Management Degree Apprenticeship

Workforce development
Higher and degree apprenticeships
Built environment
Case studies

Working at Co-op Food as a degree apprentice

Read about Caitlin’s experience working as a Food Technologist at Co-op Food. She enrolled on our Technical Degree Apprenticeship Programme in 2021 after finding an opportunity that allowed her to kick-start her career in the food industry.

Higher and degree apprenticeships

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